Spirituality, religiosity, youth and marian devotions:
theological and contemporary aspects
Devotion. Mariology. Youth. Dogmas. PastoralAbstract
Popular devotions to Our Lady, such as the rosary, novenas, consecrations, processions, pilgrimages are manifestations present in Brazil and in several countries around the world. Particularly in Brazil, the devotional experience begins with the Portuguese colonization and is perpetuated increasingly dynamic and comprehensive in various groups, pastorals, movements and communities of life. Young people, faced with the bio-psycho-social transformations, fears, insecurities, challenges and uncertainties typical of this stage of life deserve special attention due to their vulnerability and participation in the life of the church. The present article had as an objective to analyze aspects of Marian devotion among young people. Starting from the spirit of the Church's teaching, in communion with the Scriptures, tradition and the signs of the times, young people have the mission of contributing to the growth of Marian theology.
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