relationship between God and the human being in the blondelian reading of Eugenio Rivas


  • Carlos Rafael Pinto FAJE




God. Infinite. Gift. Human Being. Coastal Landscape.


In this theological essay, we propose the metaphor of “coastal landscape”. With it, we intend to talk about proximity, as well as about the relationship and communion between God and the human being, according to Eugenio Rivas’ reading of Maurice Blondel’s thought. If, on the one hand, in Christian revelation, God communicates, gives Himself freely and lovingly, as a supernatural gift, to the human being, on the other hand, the human being, as a finite being and, at the same time, aspiring to the infinite, presents himself in a trans natural state, a state of waiting and reception of the mystery of the superior gift. The use of metaphor is important because, in the same way that the “coastal landscape” requires the presence of the beach, an image of finitude, and the sea, an image of the infinite, communion with God presupposes divine grace and human life. Thus, communion with the supernatural gift causes the human being to expand in such a way that he experiences what he insatiably aspires to: the infinite.

Keywords: God. Infinite. Gift. Human Being. Coastal Landscape.

Author Biography

Carlos Rafael Pinto, FAJE

Doutorando em Teologia pela Faculdade Jesuíta de Filosofia e Teologia (FAJE). Bolsista CAPES.





DOSSIÊ MÍSTICA DAS RELAÇÕES: Perspectivas de análise